Audit de la Taxe Foncière

Audit de la Taxe Foncière

Pour bien calculer votre taxe foncière, éviter qu’elle soit surévaluée et obtenir des dégrèvements

In short, the construction industry is undergoing fundamental changes, not comparable in impact with anything before it, not even with the rise of lean manufacturing in auto-making in the 1980s. An innovative and time-saving tool called Building Information Modeling, or BIM, is the reason for that revolution. BIM technology rapidly enhances complex building processes, shortcutting any project completion date, cutting the expenses and improving the overall quality of the construction. Our construction company is the leading industry exponent, with approximately $30 billion in BIM project experience. We want clients to understand the incredible advantages that the BIM offers and we want them to get prepared to embrace this new technology.

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